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Fire and Rescue Statistics User Group

33rd Meeting of the
Fire & Rescue Statistics User Group
held on
17th October 2011 1.30 pm in
Eland House, Victoria St, SW1


Ms Sheila Pantry

Fire Information Group

Ms Kirsty Bosley

Scottish Government

Mr Gavin Sayer

Communities and Local Government

Ms Sylvia Williams

Communities and Local Government

Mr Jon Gamble

Communities and Local Government

Mr Tony Paish

World Centre for Fire Statistics

Mr Steve Emery

English Heritage

Mr Mike Coull

Historic Scotland

Mr David Sibert

Fire Brigades Union

1. Chair’s Introduction

Kirsty Bosley welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies

Mr John Curtis

Merseyside FRS

Mr Rob Gazzard

South East England Wild Fire Group

Mr David Rae

Fire Service College

Mr Simon Bird

Fire Protection Association

Ms Lindsay Bennison

Scottish Government

Ms Claire Davis

Welsh Assembly Government

Mr Dennis Davis


Graeme Ellicott


Graham Simons


Simon Hunt


3. Minutes of the 32nd Meeting

The minutes of the 32nd Meeting were accepted with minor amendments as an accurate record of the meeting.

4. Matters Arising

Gavin Sayer reported that he had passed on Tony Paish’s comments regarding the publication of the Economic Cost of Fire 2006 research to the relevant parties within DCLG.

Gavin Sayer agreed to provide FRS Northern Ireland contact details to Tony Paish.

Gavin Sayer agreed to send the link to Cost of Fire research to David Sibert.

5. European Fire Statistics

Gavin Sayer reported that the Greenstreet Berman report on European fire statistics was anticipated in the near future. He agreed to circulate the link to the FRSUG once it was published. Gavin has notified the ISO standard board with respect to the proposed new standard that has been circulated.

Action: Gavin to circulate link to European fire statistics report once it is available.

6. Statistics User Forum

Tony Paish explained the benefits of having the FRSUG officially represented at future meetings of the ONS-led Statistics User Forum. It was an opportunity for the group to become aware of developments of related statistical areas that could impact on fire statistics, e.g. the health statistics user net.

Action: Sheila Pantry and Gavin Sayer agreed to prepare a draft report on the work of the FRSUG for the Statistics User Network.

Action: The FRSUG to be proactive in seeking volunteers to attend the SUF. Jon Gamble to continue to circulate SUF meeting dates.

7. FRSUG Constitution – feedback

The Group discussed and agreed amendments to the Constitution.

Action: Gavin Sayer to prepare and circulate final version of the Constitution

8. LIMU Presentation

(deferred to a future meeting)

9. Fire Futures – statistics thread update

(cf. to next meeting)

10. Fire Service Reform in Scotland

Kirsty Bosley updated the Group about the developments concerning Fire Service reform in Scotland. A Bill would be presented to the Scottish Parliament by January 2012. An outline business case had been published in May 2011 which discussed the options for reform and a paper outlining more detail around the planned reforms was on the Scottish Government website as part of the current consultation process. The proposed changes were informed throughout by statistics and analysis.

Action: Kirsty Bosley to circulate the link to the reform proposals on the Scottish Government website.

11. Fire Community Partnership

(cf. to next meeting)

Action: Jon Gamble to contact Dennis Davis to ask him to circulate a summary of their deliberations.

12. FRSUG website update

Sheila Pantry agreed to circulate the remit of the Fire Information Service. Sheila reminded the Group to send relevant news items, events, etc. of interest for the website.

13. Fire Statistics User Feedback

Sylvia Williams distributed an analysis of responses (to-date) of the Fire Statistics Feedback form. Several suggested new topics were being actively considered for inclusion in our future publications.

14. Any Other Business

Steve Emery mentioned his work with Sylvia Williams and Stefan Raue at Glasgow University geographically matching incident data with individual buildings.

Tony Paish advised the meeting that he would be unlikely to attend the next meeting for unavoidable circumstances.

15. Date of Next Meeting

Date of the next meeting: February 2012; Location – TBA